Aubrey Carter is currently a Junior at Windsor High School, also she is the Junior Class President. ... Learn More

Aubrey Carter
About Me
Aubrey Carter is currently a Junior at Windsor High School, also she is the Junior Class President. She is in her third year of Spanish, with her being in Spanish she is able to be in The Spanish Club. When she graduates she wants to go to an Out of State College to go into Criminal Justice. She wants to get more social skills and figuring out what she wants to do in her life out of being in CEO. Outside of school, she has a part time job at the Windsor Food Center. This is mainly what takes her time up but if she has days off she works on homework or chooses to spend time with her friends. “Trust yourself that you can do it and get it!”- Baz Luhrmann

Aubrey Carter's DISC Profile
Decisive | Preference for problem solving and getting results
Interactive | Preference for interacting with others and showing emotion
Stability | Preference for pacing, persistence and steadiness
Cautious | Preference for procedures, standards and protocols