Ashlyn Behl attends Shelbyville High School. She is a dual sport athlete, as a cheerleader for the ... Learn More

Ashlyn Behl
About Me
Ashlyn Behl attends Shelbyville High School. She is a dual sport athlete, as a cheerleader for the Rams, and a Varsity Tennis player. She is an officer for her school’s Spanish Club, and a member in the Student Council. She is in the Drama Club, and is involved in National Honors Society. She is active in her church, and attends mission trips to serve the community. She competes in pageants, and is a member of the Culinary Club. She competes in Mathletes, and meets with the Fellowship of Christian Students weekly. Ashlyn likes to teach the younger generations, as a youth leader and kindergarten helper. She would like to attend a four year college and cheer at the collegiate level in the future. “I think showing up is really important. It’s more important than being talented or good at anything because you can be super talented, but if you don’t show up, what’s the point?” -Olivia Rodrigo

Ashlyn Behl's DISC Profile
Decisive | Preference for problem solving and getting results
Interactive | Preference for interacting with others and showing emotion
Stability | Preference for pacing, persistence and steadiness
Cautious | Preference for procedures, standards and protocols