
Elizabeth Reed is a Junior at Shelbyville High School. She is a high honor roll student and takes ... Learn More

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Class of 2024

Elizabeth Reed

About Me

Elizabeth Reed is a Junior at Shelbyville High School. She is a high honor roll student and takes part in many extra curricular activities such as Cheerleading, Student Council, National Honors Society, Vice President of Spanish Club, Officer of Fellowship of Christian Students, and Co-leader of Christ Club at the middle school in Shelbyville. Outside of school activities she is involved in youth group with her church and church leadership groups she also works at Lithia Springs Marina in the summer. In her free time she enjoys spending time with friends and family, listening to music, boating on the lake, and water sports. Elizabeth plans on going to a southern state for college and majoring in Business. She is looking forward to networking and learning how to run and manage a business.    “Always make the table better” -Bob Schultz 

Elizabeth Reed's DISC Profile


Decisive | Preference for problem solving and getting results


Interactive | Preference for interacting with others and showing emotion


Stability | Preference for pacing, persistence and steadiness


Cautious | Preference for procedures, standards and protocols