Layla is a graduate from Shelbyville High School. She chose to participate in Shelby County ... Learn More

Layla Gill
About Me
Layla is a graduate from Shelbyville High School. She chose to participate in Shelby County CEO because she wanted to grow as a person and learn how to operate a business. Outside of school and classes, Layla spends a lot of time with her family and friends, helping them out. She may also be found working at Walmart in Shelbyville, IL. The CEO experience has taught Layla the value of using her resources around her and that assets are very valuable. She is looking forward to applying the useful skills she has learned to her college career and in life itself. Layla has not enjoyed the impact of COVID-19 on her or her community because it has made her everyday life more difficult, and she does not like wearing masks at all. Layla is now enrolled as a student at Lake Land College with a major in business management. She may change her major after her 2021 fall semester if she decides that her passion lies elsewhere in horticulture, mathematics education, or somewhere else.

Layla Gill's DISC Profile
Focus on big picture, direct and upfront communicator, open to change, like to be in control.
Prefer a flexible and creative environment, naturally optimistic, generous with time, may over-promise, effective coach/counselor.
High degree of self-control, will create order, dependable, tend to be calming with those around you.
May be most comfortable staying with an already proven way of doing things, tactful, respectful, like to do it right the first time, very good critical thinker when problem-solving.