Chloe Frederick is a graduate from Shelbyville High School. She chose to participate in ... Learn More
Chloe Frederick
About Me
Chloe Frederick is a graduate from Shelbyville High School. She chose to participate in Shelby County CEO because she thought it would be a good experience to get familiar with small businesses and their owners, and get an idea of how to start a business. She may also be found working at Subway. CEO has already taught Chloe the value of knowing how to market and knowing people. She looked forward to the trade show with her peers, and plans on continuing her own personal business, Chloe's Custom Cups. She will be attending Lake Land College as a Pre-Dental major.
Chloe Frederick's DISC Profile
Peaceful and non-confrontational, methodical, likes specialized work.
Influential and talkative, optimistic attitude, friendly.
Identify strongly with a group, amazing ability to calm upset people, ready to help, loyal, may resist change.
May be passive-aggressive when disagreeing, quality control is important, detailed, neat, excellent critical thinking and problem solving ability.