Bites and Bets is coming up THIS WEEK‼️‼️Saturday, March 22! Tickets are available for presale online or you can contact a student. Tickets will be available for purchase day of as well. Two ticket options are available, a $25 option and a $50 option. The $25 ticket covers admission while the $50 ticket is all inclusive covering admission as well as including playing chips, raffle tickets, and a $7 food voucher to use at any of our food vendor options. The class will also have a table set up with drinks and snacks available for purchase.Blaze & Glaze Pizza Co. Chelsey’s Kandy Shop The Rhodes Show Catering

Other News From Around The Same Time

Here’s a sneak peek at a couple of the gift baskets that you can win at Bites and Bets this Saturday!!!   We have plenty more prizes, games, and food and drinks there! You won’t want ...

Here’s a sneak peek at a couple of the gift baskets that you can win at Bites and Bets this Saturday!!! We have plenty more prizes, games, and food and drinks there! You won’t want ...

Introducing our entertainment for Bites And Bets 🎤🎶  Jake Bushur is a student in the Effingham County CEO program and the winner of the 2024 EPC Idol contest!  Clayton Jones is a ...

Introducing our entertainment for Bites And Bets 🎤🎶 Jake Bushur is a student in the Effingham County CEO program and the winner of the 2024 EPC Idol contest! Clayton Jones is a ...

Here’s a sneak peek at some of the food vendors that will be at Bites and Bets!! 🤩  🍗  The Rhodes Show Catering  🍕 Blaze & Glaze Pizza Co.  🍭 Chelsey’s Kandy Shop   Mark your ...

Here’s a sneak peek at some of the food vendors that will be at Bites and Bets!! 🤩 🍗 The Rhodes Show Catering 🍕 Blaze & Glaze Pizza Co. 🍭 Chelsey’s Kandy Shop Mark your ...